• ¿Vas a salir del armario con tus padres? Pues entonces te recomiendo que les ofrezcas como fuente de información el blog de hijos homosexuales donde una madre orgullosa, escribe artículos sobre ser una madre con una hija lesbiana, que pueden ayudar mucho a un padre que se enfrenta por primera vez a esta realidad. (Vía: LesbianLips)
  • La serie de televisión Hay alguien ahí, que se emite en canal 4, está mostrando rollito lesbicanario, pero como yo no veo la serie no me entero de mucho. Si alguien se apunta a hacer las reseñas que me mande un email. (mil gracias a Yurena por el tip)
  • Desde hace tiempo se está gestando en Europa un proyecto para intentar crear un centro en común para la comunidad lésbica. Y todo ese esfuerzo ha quedado centralizado en eurOut una web donde podrán encontrar noticias, actualidad, política, entretenimiento, en fin un montón de cosas no solo a nivel España sino de todos los países europeos. Despues del salto les dejo su nota de prensa oficial (está en inglés). Yo suelo pasarme bastante por ahí y seguir a sus redactoras por twitter que son muy divertidas (@Natazzz, @SandraShowtime, @maxime68,@eurOut)

eurOut: Visibility of lesbian and bisexual women in Europe

“Visibility matters” said Sarah Warn, founder and Editor in Chief of AfterEllen.com in 2002. Since then she has supported exactly this, visibility for lesbian and bisexual women in the US media. Out of the LGBT family, women get the least attention and worst portrayal, whether it is in entertainment or politics. Not only in the United States, but also in Europe. With the intention to change that, eurOut.com was launched in September 2008, and is now one of the most frequently visited site on the web for gay women who seek European lesbian entertainment news, storylines and political information.

Every day eurOut.com offers their readers the latest news about lesbian and bisexual women in entertainment and politics in the English language. This includes summaries about lesbian storylines on TV, introductions to new international artists, and eurOut.com not only covers, but also explains the latest law- and political issues concerning the LGBT community across Europe. Whether with humour or seriousness, Europe’s only website of its kind, is not afraid to pay attention to injustice and to openly criticize it, but it doesn’t forget the fun of being gay either.

The deficient portrayal of lesbian and bisexual women in the media gets special attention from founder and Editor in Chief Sandra Showtime, since for many people the only way to get in contact with gays & lesbians is through television, newspapers or other media. If the portrayal is filled with wrong stereotypes or assumptions, then Europe will have an even longer way to go towards equality for all than it does right now. The will to change circumstances not only by talking, but by actually doing something, keeps her, as well as Entertainment Editor Natazzz and Political Editor Maxime68, running and improving the website every day next to their day jobs. With the support of Designer Embla, they spread the word for equality in many different ways.

With a readership of several thousand people per day, eurOut.com also offers the opportunity to get in contact with other lesbian and bisexual women from all European countries, to learn more about their culture, environment and life, or to just have chats about the concerts they visited. The every day goal of eurOut.com is to create more understanding and solidarity, and to grow together to a European community that supports each other.

“Europe is very gay!” the eurOut team says, “It’s time for people to realize that.” Readers can sign up to eurOut at http://eurOut.com, meet them on their FaceBook Fanpage and Myspace Profile, or follow eurOut on Twitter at http://twitter.com/eurout.